October 2019 – At Home Workouts

Strength Workout

Welcome to the 100 reps challenge!

We're challenging you to complete 100 reps of each exercise, each workout. If 100 reps is a too much, that's fine! Just try to get a little bit closer each week.

If you are able to complete 100 reps the first workout, try adding just a little bit of weight/ resistance each workout after that.

There are 2 ways to complete this workout:

  1. Work on 1 exercise at a time, split it up into 10 sets of 10 reps, 5 sets of 20 reps, or 4 sets of 25 reps
  2. Go through a circuit of the 4 exercises and do 10 circuits of 10 reps of each exercise, or 5 circuits of 20 reps, or 4 circuits of 25 reps

Download your worksheet here to record your workouts.

Goblet squat with dumbbell: Stand with feet hip-width apart, dumbbell held at chest with bent elbows. Sit down and back, all the way until elbows touch inside of knees. Stand back up, driving through heels.
Goblet squat with dumbbell: Stand with feet hip-width apart, dumbbell held at chest with bent elbows. Sit down and back, all the way until elbows touch inside of knees. Stand back up, driving through heels.


Choose from:

  • Bodyweight
  • Goblet (holding dumbbell or kettlebell)
  • Band

Keep in mind:

  • Sit down and back
  • Push knees out
  • Stay in your heels to mid-foot
Standing band row: Start facing anchor point with band under tension. Pull handles toward chest, squeezing shoulder blades together.
Standing band row: Start facing anchor point with band under tension. Pull handles toward chest, squeezing shoulder blades together.

Band Rows

  • Affix the anchor about chest/shoulder height on your doorframe
  • Sit in a mini squat for stability
  • Keep shoulders down, squeeze shoulder blades together
Lying bridge: Lay face up, knees bent up to sky, feet flat on ground near bottom. Push hips up to sky, lower back down with control.
Lying bridge: Lay face up, knees bent up to sky, feet flat on ground near bottom. Push hips up to sky, lower back down with control.


  • Lay on the ground, or mid back against a stable bench or chair.
  • Keep pelvis "tucked" and core engaged, so your lower back doesn't over extend/bow
  • Lift toes off ground so you activate glutes and hamstrings
Incline pushup: Using a stable surface between thigh and chest height, start with straight arms and body. Lower down and push back up remaining rigid.
Incline pushup: Using a stable surface between thigh and chest height, start with straight arms and body. Lower down and push back up remaining rigid.


Choose from:

  • Toe pushups
  • Knee pushups
  • Toe down - knee up pushups (lower yourself down to ground from your toes, push back up from your knees)
  • Incline pushups (on tall surface like a table or countertop)

Keep in mind:

  • Shoulders down away from ears
  • Elbows tucked towards sides
  • Core engaged so that butt doesn't pop up and low back doesn't bow

Cardio / HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Perform each exercise at the start of each minute; whatever is leftover in the minute is your rest.

Continue for 5 - 20 minutes, depending on how much time and energy you have.

Modified/low impact jumping jacks - tap feet side to side, with overhead reach

20 Jumping Jacks


10 Toe Touch Planks


20 (each leg) Mountain Climbers

Lay on back, legs straight, feet slightly apart. Start with hands and arms straight above chest (hold a dumbbell for extra intensity). As you sit up, arms reach overhead so your body is in an "L" shape.
Lay on back, legs straight, feet slightly apart. Start with hands and arms straight above chest (hold a dumbbell for extra intensity). As you sit up, arms reach overhead so your body is in an "L" shape.

10 Straight Leg Sit Ups


10 Burpees